Have You Ever Asked Yourself -- "Can I Write A Book?"

I have asked myself over and over again "Can I Write A Book?" It is scary to think about writing a book. What if no one reads it? Here are some ideas to think about before getting started.

 I have asked myself the question numerous times - "Can I Write A Book?" Thinking about writing a book makes me nervous. I have always felt that I had a story to tell and a book to write, but there is always that underlying fear - what if no one reads it? If it does not make it to a bookstore {which most likely it will not} how will anyone see it? So, the question is not just about “Can I Write A Book,” but will anyone ever know that it exists? Plus, what if I pour my heart into writing a book and everyone who reads it hates it?Not only do you have to write the book, but you also have to think about how you are going to sell it {which is a whole different post entirely!}. Reasons for writing a book are endless, but in my case it would be to establish expertise for my blog and career. It would be to share my knowledge to help others save money and make money. As a blogger, writing a book is a great way to make money online if done properly. Many people think that it is a easy to write a book, but there is a lot more involved than just sitting down to write.I have spoken to a lot of authors and there was one reoccurring theme that they have all said

"Don't expect to get rich from writing a book."

I am not telling you this just to discourage you, but many people have false hope of making money by writing a book. They think "I am a good writer," and "If they can do it I can." Which, may be true, but it is hard work. Before you decided if writing a book to make money is right for you, here are some tips to think about.*~* Update: I have written 2 books now!*~*Whew, it was a lot of work, but I am so glad I have completed both of the books. I will be writing a post soon about the process in case you are curious about selling on Amazon, offering a paperback copy or even setting up an affiliate program.In the meantime, check out my 2 books:Breakthrough: The Complete Guide to Growing Your Platform & Blogging Your Way to a Full-Time IncomeReal Ways to Make Money From Home

Can I Write A Book?

1. Decide what genre your book will be. What do you want to write about? Is it fiction or non-fiction? How to? Mystery? Choose what you feel comfortable with and what goes best with your style of writing. Are you an expert in any certain fields? It may seem like an easy task to pick what you want to write about, but its not!2. Brainstorm a topic or story. Jot down some important points that you would like your book to include. Think of an outline to see if you have enough information for it to become a book. This will help to keep you focused and include all the necessary details. Is there a need you are trying to fill? Will you be able to market your topic?3. Research by reading a few books in the same genre that your book will be. Keep in mind, if you sell your book, these other books will be your competition. You want to set the bar higher. Even though you are checking out other book you want to make sure you stay original. Have you ideas and outline before seeing what everyone else wrote about in their books.4. Start writing. See if you are able to write a few chapters to get started. You may think you have an entire book of information or a great story just to find out that it all fit into two chapters. This will give you a sense of the direction of the book, and if you can indeed write.4. Decide if you want to propose your book to a publisher or go solo. An option if you are going out on your own is to create and sell an e-book. Many new writers find that writing and selling an e-book is the easier and less expensive, therefore the best route for them. It would also make a great starting point. I have made my own eBook Top 5 Survey Sites to Make Money Online. Although I would not consider it a 'book' it did help me to see what goes into writing an eBook and the process of putting it together. 

I have asked myself over and over again "Can I Write A Book?" It is scary to think about writing a book. What if no one reads it? Here are some ideas to think about before getting started.

So, if you are like me and have ever thought "Can I Write A Book," do you think you can? Please share in the comments below if you want to write a book!