DIY Baby Pacifier Holder

Want to know how to make a DIY baby pacifier holder with an item you most likely already have at your home? My oldest son used a pacifier so I always made sure I had an extra one in our diaper bag whenever we left the house. Being without the pacifier was a huge NO-NO

Baby Pacifier Holder

DIY Baby Pacifier Holder

I never knew what to put the pacifier in so that it would not get dirty. I hated the idea of just throwing it into the diaper bag because of all the germs that could be lurking inside of it. I had seen a couple pacifier holders that you could purchase, but I did not want to have to spend any money.So, I though why not re-use a plastic baby food container! Not only is it inexpensive because you are going to use the baby food, but you can fit two standard size pacifiers in one container.

Baby Pacifier Holder

Baby Pacifier Holder

This was the perfect way to carry around our pacifiers. Plus, it is harder to lose when it is in a case like this! You may also like:Importance of Music Education for Babies3 Day Potty Training Process How To Get Your Toddler To SleepMake sure you checkout the Frugal Fanatic Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest for DIY projects, recipes, money saving tips and more. Please share with us any other items that could be added to a baby proofing checklist in the comments below.DIY Pacifier Holder