Frugal Fathers Day Ideas

Need some fathers day ideas without spending a lot of money? Below you will find some great frugal fathers day ideas to try this year!

Frugal Fathers Day Ideas

You can help your kids create the perfect Father’s Day for dad without spending lots of money and this Frugal Father’s Day will create memories that are priceless.

Frugal Fathers Day Ideas:

Picture it! Father’s Day morning arrives, and dad is woken by the rich scents of coffee and sizzling bacon (turkey bacon, sausage, tofu, whatever dad loves). The kids (with your help, of course) serve dad his breakfast in bed along with the newspaper and the remote control. After spending a few minutes with dad, you and the kids go clean up the kitchen while he relaxes with breakfast and some leisurely reading and watching TV.

After breakfast, the kids can present their father with some homemade gifts that you helped them to make in advance. Here are a few really cute handmade ideas for your kids to try out.  Then you can take turns telling dad why you love him so much and what makes him the best dad ever!

Does dad really love his car? If so, now is the time to go outside and wash the car with dad. If he is a sports fan either find a game to watch together or get outside and play a family game. Find something that dad really loves and enjoy it with him. That’s the key; spending quality time together and showing dad how much he means to you.Frugal Fathers Day Ideas

Make sure to spend some time making dad’s favorite lunch and have a picnic. This is a great way to get your kids involved. They will enjoy helping preparing a meal for their dad.

You can play more games, talk as a family, draw with sidewalk chalk, play frisbee and just have more fun. If dad has a favorite game make sure to play it. You can also see if there are any free or low cost events in your community on Father’s Day. Remember, this day is about spending time with dad, having fun and making memories. So, choose things that dad enjoys and find ways to incorporate spending time together into them.

Also, take a look at this fun DIY Father's Day Card Candy Poster.

Do you have any frugal fathers day ideas, please share in the comments below!