How to Make Money at Home…as a Mom of Little Ones

It’s wonderful to be a mom! I am so thankful for the opportunity to stay at home with my little ones. Still, like so many other moms, as much as I love staying home, I want to earn some supplemental income for our family from home.I have always been interested in ways to earn money from home, but since I became a stay-at-home mom and our income was cut in half, I’ve begun to dabble more in various money-making activities.How to Make Money at Home…as a Mom of Little OnesThere are so many money making opportunities available to moms today, that it is really a matter of finding the best fit for you and your family. Most importantly, you need to recognize your stage of life. If you have a baby, chances are you won’t have the energy to get up at 4am to work before your kids are awake. If your children are in preschool and play nicely with long naps, you may be able to grab more work hours. For example, I currently have a 3 month old and a 2 year old. With my children being so young, most of my work hours are limited to naptimes, an occasional afternoon and after bedtime.You must also recognize your strengths. Are you organized? Can you juggle a household and work at home? What do you enjoy doing? In what areas do you have skills and expertise? Once you have answered these questions, you’ll start to gather some ideas.Today, I want to share some ideas that moms of little ones can do. These jobs are flexible around a moms schedule, and for many of them, you can do them with your kids around.Baby-sit. If you are good with children, there is always a need for in-home daycare. It can make for long days but you can watch other children while you care for your own. It provides natural playmates for your children and keeps you at home. Parents are always grateful to have a caring and qualified sitter. Even if you don’t want to baby-sit fulltime, consider advertising as a back-up sitter, when the main sitter is sick or can’t watch the kids. I have done this for several mom friends, which helps them out and allows me to earn some extra income.Tutoring. If you have expertise in a certain skill or language, consider becoming a tutor. You can tutor one on one, with lessons that you advertise or you can tutor through a company, such as Sylvan. There are even online tutoring opportunities available for those who qualify. Tutoring is a great afternoon or summer position that can be scheduled on your own time.Teach music lessons. If you are a musician, there is always a need for music teachers! As a pianist, I have been teaching piano lessons for over a decade and my waiting list is always full. I could teach double the amount of lessons I am teaching, if I wanted to do so. With any music lesson, you can set the time and place for a lesson – including coming to your house.Clean houses. If you work hard and want a job that you can do only once or twice a month, look into cleaning houses. You might have to get a sitter for your children, but this job allows you to work where and when you choose.Sell in direct sales such as Pampered Chef, Premier Jewelry or Mary Kay. If you are an outgoing person, who enjoys meeting new people, this may be the perfect job for you! While you can’t take your children with you, this job works because you can do it mostly in the evenings when your husband is home with the children.Sell on Etsy. If you are crafty and like to create things, consider opening an Etsy shop. Again, this is something you can do mostly during naptime or when your children sleep at night. Etsy isn’t only for hand crafted items anymore, there are lots of digital downloads for sale as well. Depending on how many products you create and sell, there is great earning potential. I started selling custom children’s books that I personalize and it has become a good source of income for our family.Sell on Teachers Pay Teachers. If you are a teacher, create a shop on TpT to sell educational products you created. Because TpT is all digital downloads, once you set up your shop, this is a great source of passive income. As a former teacher with a teacher husband, this is on our summer to-do list.Write a blog. Addi has mentioned it before, and blogging is certainly a way that Moms can earn income. Please know that you will earn money in any of the above jobs much quicker than you will in blogging. That said, if you’re in it for the long-term and are willing to work hard, blogging can be a great source of income for moms.Whatever your gifts, talents and passions, there is a way you can make money at home. We live in an amazing time where the opportunities available to us as mothers are endless. Take advantage of them and find the best way you can earn money for your family while still focusing on your family.I hope this list helped you brainstorm some ideas of how to make money at home with your little ones. What have you done to earn money from home? 

Kristen Whirrett
Kristen is a frugal stay-at-home mom of two, who works hard to save – and make – her family money. She loves baking with chocolate, reading good books, and saving money. Kristen writes at  Joyfully Thriving about learning to love her frugal life, as she encourages others to do the same. You can find her on Facebook and Pinterest too