Save Money With A Backyard Water Party

Learn how you can save money by having a backyard water party. Thank you Carol for this wonderful guest post! Save Money With A Backyard Pool PartyOne time I was trying to figure out where to throw a kids party – rent a hall, go to Chuck E. Cheese – options which cost a lot. My husband Gene reminded me of the obvious – our family pool. It was the perfect solution for an inexpensive, but very enjoyable, party for the kids.Just bring the chips. There’s very little setup involved with having a pool party. For kids – just bring some refreshments like drinks and chips, set them up at a table, and let the kids play. The first time I had a party, I over thought the whole thing and tried to come up with different items for the kids to munch on. I learned that the kids really just want to swim and play, and we don’t have to set up a feast for them. Just the basics, and they’re fine.Let them make up the entertainment. I also thought we might need to have some games for the kids to play – like one of those big trampolines inside a bubble. Gene once again suggested I keep it simple. He said to just watch what happened. When the kids got in the water, it didn’t take long for someone to call out “Marco,” someone else to respond “Polo,” and they were off entertaining themselves.Address the safety issues. Check with the Moms and make sure all the kids invited can swim. Then designate someone to watch the kids. I had a brilliant idea and asked a teenager down the block to lifeguard for us. He is the lead lifeguard at our community pool, and the kids really respect him. They know him as someone with the authority to pull kids out of the water and make them sit on the sidelines, so they obey him. He didn’t cost very much, and was the best money I spent for the party.Play hostess for the Moms. You know each child will be escorted by a parent, and some of them will stick around. I just set up one of our poolside tables with an umbrella, and had iced tea and sandwiches available for the parents.I laugh when I remember the elaborate plans I had in mind for having a kids party, when we had the best resource out back – our wonderful pool. The expense was minimal, the outcome was memorable. I still smile thinking of all those happy kids and how much fun they had.Carol Atkins is an avid runner, and diligently training for her first half marathon. She currently writes articles on assignment for  She has 3 kids with her wonderful husband – two boys and a girl – and two lovely black Labradors.  She spends hours with her family at their home pool, watching the kids and dogs splash and play. 

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