Save Money On Food By Organizing Your Pantry

There are many ways that you can save money on food, but one of the easiest methods is by staying organized.

Did you know that you can save money on food just by organizing your fridge and pantry? Get organized to help prevent wasting food by letting it expire. By having an organized kitchen you can save a ton of money on food each month.

 Do you ever find food in the back of the fridge or pantry that has gone bad and think “oh, I forgot all about that?" It happens to all of us. Some studies have even shown that most American families throw away up to 25% of the food that they purchase. That’s up to $25 of every $100 spent on groceries that we are throwing away, but the good news is you can save money on groceries by organizing your refrigerator and pantry. Below you will find a few simple ways to save money on food by organizing your kitchen.

Organizing Tips to Save Money on Food:

  • Store food in clear containers. You can see what’s inside, making it more likely to be used instead of forgotten. If you have containers that are not see through, label them with the type of food it is and the date so you can keep track.
  • Keep items that need to be used ASAP in a certain area. When you prepare meals, use these items up first. When you have a lot of vegetables that are beginning to wilt, it’s the perfect time to make a big pot of soup. You can have soup for lunch or dinner and also freeze half of it for another day. I always like to use up our fresh fruit and vegetables first and then use the frozen items later in the week to cook.
  • Rotate the food in your refrigerator and pantry so that the items you bought most recently are behind older items. Doing this ensures that you will consume all of the food items before they expire. Stores do this to avoid products going bad resulting in profit loss and it works the same way in your home.
  • The day before you go grocery shopping, take inventory. Make a list of what you already have, so that you are not doubling on items that you will not be able to use before they expire. Next, add items that you are out of, but need to buy. Having an inventory list will keep you from overspending on things that you already have and lets you know what you are running low on or ran out of with a quick glance. Do not forget to update the quantities after you go grocery shopping.

If you want to save money on food by organizing your refrigerator and pantry you will see that although it takes a little bit more time it is very easy. The time it does take is well worth it when you start to see the savings add up. No more wasting food or money!

Did you know that you can save money on food just by organizing your fridge and pantry? Get organized to help prevent wasting food by letting it expire. By having an organized kitchen you can save a ton of money on food each month.

Please share in the comments below any organizing tips that help you save money on food each week.