Tips To Save Money On Kids Summer Clothes

I love finding new tips to save money on kids clothing especially with Summer here already. Kids grow through their clothing very quickly so it can become very expensive. Read below how you can save money on your kids clothing.

Tips to save money on kids Summer clothes

Hand me down summer clothes are great for saving money, but what if you only have 1 child or you have 2, but 1 is a boy, the other a girl and hand me downs are really not an option? Summer clothes can be expensive and kids never seem to stop growing. How do you keep from spending an arm and a leg every summer for a new wardrobe for your kids? Here are five ways to save money on kid’s summer clothes.


Tips to Save Money: Kids Summer Clothes

  • Try to think ahead - Toward the end of Summer, left over Summer clothing normally goes on clearance. This is the perfect time to shop for next summer. Buy a size or two larger to account for a year of growth. I try to do this every year. You will not believe the amount of money you can actually save because a lot of stores have 75% off Summer clothes at the end of the season.
  • Renovate their winter wardrobe - If your child have jeans that are too short because they had a growth spurt, make cut off shorts. If your son has long sleeved t-shirts that will be too small for him next year, cut off the sleeves to make tank tops out of them. Be creative and you will be surprised at the ways you can turn winter clothing into summer clothing. My boys pants always become to short on them, but the waist still fits so we make cut-offs all the time.Tips to save money on kids Summer clothes
  • Have a clothing swap - I love this idea for women, but it is great for kid’s clothes too! Have a get together with other parents from the neighborhood with kids of varying ages. Have everyone bring their kid’s outgrown summer clothing. Then while the kids hang out, the parents can decide which clothing will fit each child and make the swaps. This can be a huge money saver.
  • Consider buying used - You can save a ton of money by buying clean, gently used and sometimes new clothing at consignment shops and thrift stores. Consignment shops are great because you can sell them your gently used items for cash or credit toward clothing for your kids. You can also shop online for like new used clothes at sites to save some cash.Tips to save money on kids Summer clothes
  • Stay away from name brand clothing - During the school year, you may splurge a bit because you want your kids to look their best. During the summer you can skimp a little. Most of the time the kids will be playing, getting dirty and just having a blast.

Use some of these tips to save money on your kid’s clothes and you can use the cash you save to do something fun with the kids. You can make sure they have everything they need for their summer wardrobe without draining your wallet. Now you can focus on what really matters during the summer; enjoying warm, sunny days and making memories that will last forever. 

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