7 Things Thrifty People Will NOT Do

Is your goal to live a more thrifty lifestyle? It can be hard to figure out ways to save money without having to make a lot of sacrifices everyday.

Throughout my own journey to live a thrifty life I have found that there are certain similar characteristics between other thrifty people and myself. There are just particular things that I will NOT do. Even though being thrifty can take on a different meaning in the end it is trying to live a lifestyle within your means. I try to save money where we can so that my family and I can spend it how we want to.

Do you consider yourself thrifty? Check out this list of 7 things a thrifty person will NOT do.

Do you consider yourself thrifty? Check out this list of 7 things a thrifty person will NOT do.

So, below you will find a list of things that thrifty people, like me, will not do.

Thrifty People Will NOT:

Thrifty People Will Not ... Always Purchase Sale Items

Yes, I do purchase items when they are on sale, but I do not just buy them because they are on sale. Does that make sense? Sorry Mom, but I am throwing you under the bus. My Mom has a problem with buying items just because they are on sale. Even if she does not really like it she will still purchase it because its a great deal. A thrifty person will not waste money unless the purchase is necessary. I always think ahead and if I can get something for a great sale I will buy it if I know it will be of use. But, it has to be something I will actually use. [Not to mention I always try to make sure I am getting cash back!]

Thrifty People Will Not ...  Use Coupons Just Because

I use coupons to save money not just because I have them. I know a lot of people try to save money, but the mistake they make is purchasing items that they do not actually need just because they had a coupon for it. You will end up spending money that you did not need to. This is especially true when you are grocery shopping. Just because you have a $1 off coupon does not mean you have to use it.

Thrifty People Will Not ... Only Shop at Warehouse Stores

Even though buying in bulk can save a ton of money I know that you do not always get the best deals at these stores. Especially if you end up wasting some of the items because you do not use them before they expire. Your local grocery store runs sales that you can pair with coupons to maximize your savings.

Thrifty People Will Not ... Pay Late Fees

As someone who lives a thrifty lifestyle I make sure I do not pay bills late and avoid other charges as much as possible. I utilize a monthly budget and even use a bill tracker for our payments so that I do not miss a payment or pay a bill late. I hate to just throw money away and that is what you do when you pay late payment fees. I completely understand that you may not always have the money to make the payment and that is why you are late, but I would highly recommend using a budget to help you manage your finances. You will be surprised to see where your money is actually going each month.

Thrifty People Will Not ... Waste Food

This is a tough one for me. I hate to see produce go bad or throw away leftovers but it is something I struggle with when it comes to living a thrifty lifestyle. I actually used to be so grossed out over leftovers. Just the thought of reheating food made me sick, but I am slowly getting over it. Also, I try to come up with different recipes to use our fruits and vegetables when I know they are about to go bad.

Thrifty People Will Not ... Pass Up a Side Job

It does’t matter what the work may be a thrifty person will jump on any opportunity to make some extra cash. I know this because I do it all the time. My whole life I have always had more than one job. I am always looking for a side job to make extra money to increase my savings account.

Thrifty People Will Not ... Make Unnecessary Purchases

I am really good with keeping necessary purchases under control. Before I buy something I always figure out what it took to acquire that money and decide if it is worth it. I rarely ever indulge when it comes to buying novelty drinks or other items from convenient stores.

Do you do any of the items I mentioned above? What does being thrifty mean to you?

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Do you consider yourself thrifty? Check out this list of 7 things a thrifty person will NOT do.

Do you consider yourself thrifty? Check out this list of 7 things a thrifty person will NOT do.