Save Hundreds Grocery Shopping Using This Simple Tool

Everyone wants to save money on their household budget, and I have the ultimate tool to help you save hundreds of dollars every single month.Want to save hundreds of dollars on your grocery bills each month? Check out this simple tool to help you start saving money now! This won't require you spending hours clipping a ton of coupons, or eating rice and beans at every meal.In fact, you can eat healthy and delicious meals every day of the week using our meal planning tips. Plus, you can download this free meal plan worksheet![convertkit form=4917345] If you need help getting started with a meal plan check out 5 Dollar Meal Plans. You get the first 4 weeks for free and then after that it is only $5 a month and you get meals plans AND shopping lists sent straight to your inbox.It's simple, affordable, and allows you to customize your menu for your preferences and dietary needs.Save $100's Grocery Shopping Using This Simple Tool!Many people still question how making a meal plan can really help you save so much money each month on your grocery budget.  I've taken the time to break down the top reasons you save money, and even given you specifics on how each of these really add up to a bottom dollar savings of large amounts in your budget each month.My meal planning printable will make it even easier for you to manage since you'll have everything you need on hand to plan for your family needs.Helps you take advantage of sale trends.  Each week your local grocery store will put out a sales flyer that includes a few items that they consider loss leaders.  These are typically items being sold at a lower than cost price to get you in the store.These items are perfect for stocking up on if you use regularly, or simply planning a menu around each week.Is this a low-cost seasonal item I can stock up on now and save money for the future?Things like fresh fruit, some meat products, and canned goods that are lower priced at select seasons can be purchased during the sale at up to 50% off their off-season prices.Pantry staple items can be stored, and other items can easily go into your freezer.  You can then work through your pantry to build meal planning lists that include these items so you aren't spending more in off-season.For example: Fresh PineappleOff Season - $4.99 eachIn Season - $2.99 eachFrozen equivalent - $5.99If you use pineapple each day in your smoothies, you likely go through one fresh pineapple a week.If you buy extra during the season it is lower priced, and prep to freeze, you can easily save from $80-$100 per year on just this one item. Want to save hundreds of dollars on your grocery bills each month? Check out this simple tool to help you start saving money now!Helps you keep your pantry stock in rotation. Have you ever found yourself putting away groceries only to find you already have 4 jars of pasta sauce on the shelf and didn't need to buy anymore for that week?What about going to your pantry and finding that you have multiple items that are out of date because you just forgot you had them?We've all been guilty of both of these things, but how does meal planning help?Using a meal planning tool like ours will help you sit down to list out ingredients for each meal for the week.You can then easily go through your pantry and check off items you already have on hand.  That means you won't be spending more on items you don't need.You'll also be rotating the stock in your pantry more frequently which means you won't have so much food waste.This is also a great way for you to evaluate what you have on hand to work items into your menu that may be near their sell by date, or even items you rarely use and want to get out of your pantry.Prevents you from spending on last minute food splurges.  You've been there before.  On your way home from work, or kids ball practice, you suddenly realize you have nothing to pull together a fast meal.So, you stop by the grocery store to grab a quick item or two for dinner.  Next thing you know, you're walking out of the grocery store having spent $50-$100 on not only dinner but desserts, treats, and probably soft drinks that aren't needed or in your budget.By having a meal plan in place, you'll be less likely to make these last minute food splurges.You'll also avoid the stops at the drive thru, or even those meals out because you just don't feel like dealing with making a meal.A meal plan will give you the chance to plan out your meals not just for your weeknights, but also breakfast and lunch.  When you know what you plan to have for dinner each night, you can do the prep work in advance.Some use freezer meals, and others take advantage of their Crockpot or pressure cooker to save time on busier nights.  All of these methods work great when you are using a meal plan printable to keep you on track each night.If you have a family of 4 eating out just once per week can cost $40-$50.  In one month you are saving at minimum of $160 in your budget.If you do this more than once per week, you could easily be saving $200-$300 per month just on food costs by being consistent with menu planning.[convertkit form=4917345]Helps you create healthier meals consistently. One of the greatest budget frustrations for many families is not being able to afford healthy foods.  This isn't a problem anymore when you are using meal planning techniques.Not only will you have room in your budget for healthier food choices, you'll be able to have healthy meals prepared easily throughout the week.Some of the ways that meal planning helps you eat healthier:

  • You stock up on lower cost seasonal prices of healthy foods
  • You plan ahead so are cooking more healthy options from scratch versus packaged and processed foods
  • You can portion control for leftovers for lunch the next day to replace processed food options
  • You aren't giving in to the drive thru or unhealthy fast meal options

When you are working toward bettering your finances and your family health, meal planning is the ultimate way to manage your grocery budget.Not only will you find that you have more money in your pocket each month, you'll be surprised at how meal planning helps alleviate stress in your life.