Save Money on Holiday Wrapping Paper with These Genius Ideas

I love picking out a special gift for all of my friends and family members, but I absolutely hate having to wrap all of the presents.I seriously put off wrapping gifts until Christmas Eve.Even though I love when someone has pretty wrapping paper and bows, it's just never been my thing. To me, it's a waste of money. It just gets ripped off anyway. But… The joy my kids have when they get to unwrap a gift makes it worth it.Today, I want to share a list of ways that you can save money on holiday wrapping paper. You don’t always have to go the traditional route and buy wrapping paper at the store. You can get creative!Check out this list of 5 ways you can save money on holiday wrapping paper.Related posts:Ways to prevent holiday debtSide Job Ideas for the holidays

Save Money on Holiday Wrapping Paper with These Genius Ideas

I love picking out a special gift for all of my friends and family members, but I absolutely hate having to wrap all of the presents. Check out this list of 5 ways you can save money on holiday wrapping paper.

#1 - Recycled Cloth Gift Bag

Dress up your delicious food gifts in a festive bag made simply by stitching cotton fabric from napkins, curtains or scraps. One Lucky Day - Recycled Cloth Gift BagI love picking out a special gift for all of my friends and family members, but I absolutely hate having to wrap all of the presents. Check out this list of 5 ways you can save money on holiday wrapping paper.

#2 - Sweater Christmas Treat Bags

Looking for a genius idea that keeps your Christmas present cozy and festive right out of your closet? A Homemade Living - Sweater Christmas Treat BagI love picking out a special gift for all of my friends and family members, but I absolutely hate having to wrap all of the presents. Check out this list of 5 ways you can save money on holiday wrapping paper.

#3 - Festive Grocery Bag Wrapping Paper

With some simple cutting, folding and colorful tape and twine, old paper grocery bags with seasonal illustrations can be turned into a dreamy festive gift wrap. A Creative Mint -  Festive Grovery Bag Wrapping PaperI love picking out a special gift for all of my friends and family members, but I absolutely hate having to wrap all of the presents. Check out this list of 5 ways you can save money on holiday wrapping paper.

#4 - Vintage Scarf Wrap

Just grab a vintage scarf you no longer wear and you have a beautiful gift wrap that saves you time and money! Lisa Maria Williams - Vintage Scarf WrapI love picking out a special gift for all of my friends and family members, but I absolutely hate having to wrap all of the presents. Check out this list of 5 ways you can save money on holiday wrapping paper.

#5 - Printable Wrapping Paper

Impress your loved ones with this DIY wrapping paper that looks MUCH more expensive than it is. We won't tell if you don't! Lia Griffith - Holiday Gift Wrap: Chalkboard ChristmasI love picking out a special gift for all of my friends and family members, but I absolutely hate having to wrap all of the presents. Check out this list of 5 ways you can save money on holiday wrapping paper.Pretty cool, right? How do you save money on holiday wrapping paper?