Budget Friendly Outdoor Fun for Kids

If you are anything like me then you are always looking for fun things for your kids to do outside. I limit the amount of TV and other electronic devices my kids get to use throughout the day and focus on as much time as we can having fun outside. It is important for their health and well being to play outside and just be kids! If you are looking for budget friendly outdoor fun for kids, you came to the right place.Take a look at this list of budget friendly outdoor fun for kids! Your children will love these fun activities they can do outside without you needing to spend a lot of money!We have been counting down the days until we could spend time outside. As soon as Summer comes we honestly spend entire days in our backyard. By the end of the day my boys are filthy and everyone is exhausted {including me!}. At the beginning of the Summer the are so happy to just be outside they do not care what they are doing or what toys they are playing with, but by the middle they start to get bored and want other fun activities to do. So, I am always on the lookout for inexpensive family-fun activities that we can use and re-use throughout the Summer. I have put together a list of budget friendly outdoor fun for kids ideas that you can try to.Last Summer I made an Anti-Boredom bin and then each week we would open a new item to play with. Not only did it give my boys something to look forward to but it also prevented us from opening all the items as soon as they were purchased. 

Budget Friendly Outdoor Fun for Kids:

1. Water fun! Buy a bunch of inexpensive water items from the Dollar Store like water sprayers, balloons, shooters and anything else that will be a lot of fun with water. Divide them among your family and get out in the backyard. It is every man, woman and child for themselves! Water activities keep my kids busy all day. Especially on the days that are exceptionally hot. Plus, you can re-use the items you purchased and designate certain days for 'Water Battles!" 2. Bike Parade! This activity is so much fun for the kids. You can have each kid decorate their bike and then ride along in a parade for the neighbors. We did this last year with some of our neighbors and it was a lot of fun. The kids were able to use their creativity to add items to their bikes and themselves and then show it all off in the parade. 3. Backyard Obstacle Course! Most kids love a challenge. You can easily and inexpensively create an obstacle course outside by using items around your house. You may think this is difficult but you can come up with some fun activities to be a part of the course such as:

  • Draw a course with chalk for them to ride around on their bikes.
  • Time them using a hoola hoop or jump rope.
  • Have them carry buckets of water without spilling them.
  • Walk with an egg balancing on a spoon.

There are a lot of ways that you can make your own backyard obstacle course. The fun thing about this budget friendly outdoor activity is you can switch some of the items each time you play this with your kids. 

Take a look at this list of budget friendly outdoor fun for kids! Your children will love these fun activities they can do outside without you needing to spend a lot of money!

4. Cheap Homemade crafts. One of my kids favorite activities to do outside last Summer was painting with Washable Sidewalk Paint. I made it with a few items I had in our pantry and it was hours of fun. I am always looking on Pinterest for fun and cheap crafts and activities that I can do with my kids. There are a lot of outdoor crafts that you can make too like bird feeders, wind chimes and tin can lanterns. Get creative! 5. Scavenger Hunt. Depending on the age of your child you can make this with pictures or write out a list for a backyard scavenger hunt. I found this simple printable that you can use and have your kids find easy items around your house. You could also make it a 'hunt' and hide particular items in the backyard. I know my boys will love doing this in the Summer especially if I give them a checklist! They always feel like they are really 'important' when they have a pencil and paper. Playing outdoors is good for kids. Technology is great, but kids need time outside being active, playing in the sun and socializing with their friends. It is also pretty budget friendly because a lot of special equipment is not necessary. After all, a game of freeze tag is still fun and completely free! Use these 5 budget friendly ideas or come up with your own. You can even think outside of the box and use your imagination to invent fun, new outdoor activities and games. What are your kid's favorite things to do outdoors that are budget friendly? Please share them with me in the comments below. Take a look at this list of budget friendly outdoor fun for kids! Your children will love these fun activities they can do outside without you needing to spend a lot of money!