Pizza Toast - A DIY Alternative To Your Favorite Takeaway

Pizza toast is a quick do-it-yourself alternative for regular pizzas.

Since most of the ingredients for this open sandwich are probably readily available in your fridge and cupboard, you can prepare it quickly any time you want. Bake it to perfection and devour it fresh! After all, staying in is the new going out!

Pizza Toast - A DIY Alternative To Your Favorite Takeaway

The instructions are so easy, the pizza toast is the perfect snack to make with your children - it won't take you more than 15-20 minutes.


Bread - 6 slices

Tomato sauce - 6 tbsp

Garlic - 1 tsp

Herbs (according to your preference. Good examples are oregano, chilli flakes, basil)

Grated cheese (mozzarella) - 6 tbsp


  1. Grab 6 slices of bread and preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F).

Pizza Toast - A DIY Alternative To Your Favorite Takeaway2. Prepare the pizza sauce by adding your favorite herbs and spices to tastePizza Toast - A DIY Alternative To Your Favorite Takeaway3. Lay out the slices of bread on a baking tray and cover them with the tomato sauce.Pizza Toast - A DIY Alternative To Your Favorite Takeaway4. Sprinkle grated cheese on all 6 slicesPizza Toast - A DIY Alternative To Your Favorite Takeaway5. Once the oven is hot place the baking tray with the bread slices in the over. Bake at 200°C (400°F) for 5-7 minutes.Pizza Toast - A DIY Alternative To Your Favorite TakeawayPizza Toast - A DIY Alternative To Your Favorite Takeaway6. Slice up and enjoy the healthier version of your favorite takeaway!Pizza Toast - A DIY Alternative To Your Favorite TakeawayPizza Toast - A DIY Alternative To Your Favorite TakeawayPizza Toast - A DIY Alternative To Your Favorite Takeaway