Time Saving Hacks for Parents

Don’t you just hate when you are in the middle of doing something and you think to yourself “There has to be a better way of doing this.” I find myself saying this over and over again.Lately, my main goal has been to figure out ways to be more efficient and save time throughout the day. Even though I am productive throughout the day and I have shared my tips for getting more done, I know there are ways that I can be more efficient. There just is not enough time in the day.These time saving hacks will help parents make their day a little bit easier. Have you ever said "there must be a better way to do this?" Well, there is!So, the first thing I did was turn to Pinterest. It was shocking to see all of the innovative ways that people were being effective. I am always saying that I am not a creative person and this just goes to show that I am right with that statement!Some of the things I saw were so simple yet amazing. I made a list below of some really great time saving hacks for parents that I cannot wait to start using.Check out this list and be sure to leave a comment of some of the things you do that will help me to save time and be more effective throughout my day. You will love these Time Saving Hacks for Parents: 1. Use scissors to cut pizza. - Wow! I would have never thought in a million years to use scissors. 2. Use a laundry schedule to stop drowning in laundry. 3. Cut a cake with dental floss - Yes, you read that right! 4. Save time washing your hair by using DIY dry shampoo. 5. Use a flat iron to get the wrinkles out of your clothes. - I hate ironing clothes just for the shear fact of having to setup the iron {yes, I know I am lazy!}, but I always am using my flat iron. I cannot wait to try this! 6. Save time in the morning by having your kids clothes picked out for the whole week. 7. Make school lunches ahead of time. 8. Shorten your bedtime routine with your kids. - Save time at night by cutting back on unnecessary tasks. 9. Use your slow cooker to make breakfast. 10. Meal planning. - This is one that I have really started to focus on. My family and I spend WAY too much money on food costs, but I have found this awesome meal planning service that is going to help!  These time saving hacks will help parents make their day a little bit easier. Have you ever said "there must be a better way to do this?" Well, there is!