Make Your Gender Reveal Party Fun

Gender Reveal Party Tips for Making it Fun

Gender reveal parties are fun and fresh and they give you a great reason to get together with your friends and family to celebrate the new life you have coming into this world. If you have been dreaming of doing a gender reveal party to tell people if your little bundle of joy will be an Olive or Oliver (or something along those lines), check out these gender reveal party ideas and tips on how to make it the best it can be.Gender Reveal Party Poppers

Get creative on colors and themes for your gender reveal party:

There are a thousand or more colors in this world, why do boys and girls have to just fall into shades of pink and blue? They don't! And if you don't like either of these colors, choose different ones. In fact, don't even use colors to tell everyone the gender. Use something masculine or feminine that goes with your theme, or just reveal the name you've chosen.We've all seen the "What Will it BEEE" theme, as well as the mustache and bow theme, and the idea where you print baby's name on a piece of candy. Do something different! For instance, are you having a sailor or a mermaid? That could be a great nautical theme that is simple and cute. Or will you be having a cheerleader or football player? Use your favorite sports team as a theme and go wild with it. You can easily come up with your own, but steer away from the ones that everyone has seen a million times or your guests will be bored before the party even really begins.

Have games at your gender reveal party:

Yes, the main point of this party is to reveal the gender and people are going to be excited for all of 5 minutes- then what? Or, what do guests do before? Have some games to entertain them. Play a trivia game about genders, or have each guest vote on the gender. If you haven't told anyone your names, ask each guest to guess the name for each gender or offer suggestions for names. You could also have each guest choose a "boy" or "girl" tag to show which they think it will be.

The Reveal:

How will you reveal the gender? Yes you could offer a blue or pink cake or open a box of pink or blue balloons. That's so overdone, though, so why not try pulling a curtain aside from a chalkboard that says BOY or GIRL in big letters, or by having a friend purchase a t-shirt that says "Little Brother" or "Little Sister" if the child is a younger sibling. These are unique and things that can be kept for the baby after the party is over.You can also out some of these fun gender reveal party ideas
