My Top 5 Adsense Secrets

In this post you will find my top 5 adsense secrets to help you make more money from the ads on your blog. I am sure you hear all the time that you can monetize you site with Google Adsense. So, you slap up some ads and wait for the money to roll in …. Are you still waiting?Although it is an easy way to begin to monetize your site you cannot expect to make a lot of money without figuring out what works best with your blog. Making money from ads is all based on trial and error. It takes time to optimize your ads unless you have a boatload of traffic. In order to be successful and make ad revenue you will need to take the time —- to increase your click through rate to maximize your profits.Before reading my top 5 adsense secrets be sure to learn the Adsense Sign Up Process: Setting Up Your Account first so that you can get started with placing the ads on your blog.Want to increase your google adsense revenue? Read my top 5 Adsense secrets to help you make more money from the ads on your blog.

Top 5 Adsense Secrets:

Ad PlacementGoogle offers a nice heat map to show you the most clicked areas on any website. It will give you a good idea of where you should start to place ads on your site along with particular sizes that work well. Over time you will be able to monitor your site and see which ads do well and which do not. They even offer suggested ad placements for blogs such as the two examples below. 

Want to increase your google adsense revenue? Read my top 5 Adsense secrets to help you make more money from the ads on your blog.

Want to increase your google adsense revenue? Read my top 5 Adsense secrets to help you make more money from the ads on your blog.

 One of the most important factors when placing ads is to make them look natural on your blog. You want to position them in your reader’s field of vision, but you want them to look like a part of your blog and not just an ad. Multiple ad units will optimize your performance by providing the maximum amount of ads allowed by adsense. Google adsense allows you to have three standard ad unites and three link ad units along with two adsense search boxes on each page of your blog.To maximize your income using multiple ads make sure the ad unit with the best location from the heat map is the unit that is seen first on each post. This is your prime real estate spot and will generate the most money.Appearance & Ad SizeYou can use the suggested ad sizes from the heat map above. A few of the ad sizes that work well with most blogs are:

  • 728x90 - Leaderboard
  • 336x280 - Large Rectangle
  • 300x250 - Medium Rectangle

When creating a new ad you want it to look natural on your site, so be sure to edit the preferences and pick colors that fit your site. Adsense allows you to make custom ads and you can pick the color of the text, Url, background, etc. Just go in to create a 'New Ad' and fill out the custom adjustments you want to make. The key is to making it fit well with your site. It will help to improve your click through rate especially when it is placed within your content.

Want to increase your google adsense revenue? Read my top 5 Adsense secrets to help you make more money from the ads on your blog.

 Vary the Types Ads on your BlogAnother one of my top 5 adsense secrets is to vary the types of ads you place on your blog. Choose to include both text and image {display} ads. By varying the types of ads you have a better chance of people clicking on them. Not everyone click on an image ad and not everyone will click on a text ad.Targeted KeywordsMany people do not know that if they write posts with popular keywords that the ads displayed on that post will pay more per click. Focus on SEO and having highly searched keywords so that the ads being shown on your site pay more. As a blogger, keywords are extremely important. You want to be getting organic search traffic to you site.When someone searches a particular keyword in google and lands on your blog they are more likely to click the ad on your site because it will be relevant to what they originally searched. So, for example, if someone searches ‘healthy snack recipes’ and you pop up in google’s search results and they click on your site then the ads being displayed will be relevant with healthy snack recipes. Naturally, they will be more inclined to click the ads since that is what they were looking for in the first place.Performance ReportsChecking your google adsense performance reports can instantly help you increase your ad revenue. These reports will show you how much money you are making off of each individual post or page on your blog.Before you can utilize the performance reports to their full potential you will need to import your URL channels. Here is an easy to follow video on adding URL's to the Google Adsense dashboard. Once you have your URL channels into Google Adsense you will be able to see how the page CTR, page RPM and estimated earnings.A great way to increase your revenue by using the performance reports is by promoting the posts that have a higher click through rate and are making you the most money. You will be able to see all of this inormation after your URL channels are in Google Adsense. If it is old content then go back and re-purpose it. Make a new picture and start promoting it again to bring more traffic to increase your adsense income. Want to increase your google adsense revenue? Read my top 5 Adsense secrets to help you make more money from the ads on your blog.There are a TON of different ways that you can increase your adsense revenue like adding a google search box, having good quality content, and placing more ads on your site. It is all trial and error. Be sure to adhere to the adsense policies when placing ads onto your blog. Test out my 5 adsense secrets and let me know if they help you make more money from your ad revenue each month.