Tricks to Save Money Organizing Your House Without Breaking the Bank

Doesn’t it feel like every time you go to organize your house you are being told to buy some new product?Although it would be great to buy the newest organizing method or gadget, it just isn’t feasible.Want to organize your home without breaking the bank? Don't waste money buying new organizing gadgets. Check out these tricks to save money organizing your house using items you already laying around. #1 is so simple! When you are on a strict budget, it’s tough, but not impossible to organize your house without breaking the bank.Today, I am going to share with you my tricks to save money organizing your home.There are tons of excellent methods to organize your home that cost nothing but your time and effort, and that’s what I am going to remind you of in this post.

Tricks to Save Money Organizing Your House:

#1 Rearrange your home for better organization. Sometimes the general layout of a room in your home may lead it to becoming more cluttered.One of my tricks to save money organizing your house is to simply change the layout. Move furniture into easier to navigate areas that reduce the clutter piled up in your home.Sometimes too much furniture creates clutter. Things like TV trays, end tables, and even that extra chair in your living area can become a catch all for junk.By removing those items, or moving them to a place they are more useful you can eliminate clutter and become more organized. Jen at I Heart Organizing has some great tips for how to better organize your home.The same method works in bedrooms and bathrooms. Remove items that just encourage clutter, and rearrange to make things easier to find and use.Do you constantly find yourself dropping the mail on the kitchen counter and letting it pile up? Maybe you need to add a trash can nearby so you can immediately purge junk mail, and a family command center with folders to put mail into for each family member.This keeps your counter clear, and helps you stay on top of bills and correspondence. A simple change like this can help you to become more organized, and costs very little.#2 Build your own. When it comes to storage bins and devices, there are a number of ways you can easily build your own. Using things like bookshelves, a coat rack, shelving units, or even a kids toy bin in alternate areas can make your home better organized and easier to manage.Using items in your home in an alternative way is a great way to get more organized.

  • Use bookshelves as storage in closets, pantries, or even bathrooms. I did this in all three of my boys’ bedrooms and it is amazing. They keep their toys and shoes in each of the slots without their room becoming a huge mess.
  • Move items like socks and underwear into an over the door shoe rack instead of in drawers for easier access.
  • Hang scarves and tanks on hangers with shower curtain rings instead of folding in drawers.
  • Use your kids old toy bins to hold things like throw blankets, magazines, or books in a corner of your living room for easy access, but also convenience in putting away.
  • Move a coat rack into the garage to hang sports bags and equipment for easy on the go access on the way out the door.
  • Use scrap lumber to build simple shelves for books and knick knacks. [I know this isn’t the easiest option if you aren’t handy, but it’s a great way to tackle a fun DIY project!]
  • Upcycle boxes with wrapping paper or fabric to create a storage bin to go on shelves to hold small items like kids toys, cosmetics, hair accessories, or even for use in your closet for clothing.

#3 Shop second hand. Shopping second hand is another one of my tricks to save money organizing and it isn’t just for clothing needs. Many second hand stores have everything you need to organize your house without breaking the bank.Filing cabinets, storage bins, shelving units, and even various organizers for your garage can all be found in the bargain areas of your local thrift shop or swap shop.There are tons of great places to look that you might not have considered.

  • Local thrift shops and second hand shops.
  • Goodwill, Savers, and similar chain thrift shops.
  • Online swap shops or resale groups on Facebook and other social media circles.
  • Yahoo Freecycle groups.
  • Craigslist under furniture or free options.
  • Ebay or Listia auction sites for gently used items at lower prices.
  • Clearance departments of area retail and office supply stores.
  • Hardware store clearance and sales.

#4 Purge what you don’t need. There is nothing better than purging out items you don’t need to really help you organize your house.It is cost effective, and can in fact bring more money into your home to pay for the specialty organization items you are looking for. Toni over at A Bowl Full Of Lemons has a brilliant 31 Day Purge Challenge to get you started!{Related: Make Money Selling Your Clothes Online}Everyone struggles with having more than they actually need. For some it is a closet of clothing that includes a few too many sizes they no longer wear. For others, this may be a matter of too many kitchen utensils, or a ton of magazine subscriptions that end up cluttered on the end of the kitchen counter. Want to organize your home without breaking the bank? Don't waste money buying new organizing gadgets. Check out these tricks to save money organizing your house using items you already laying around. #1 is so simple! Purging items you don’t need in your life is the perfect way to really organize your house without breaking the bank.

  • Eliminate unnecessary subscriptions to magazines, subscription boxes, and other services you don’t need.
  • Sell or donate clothing that no longer fits or isn’t your style.
  • Purge movie, music, and book collections keeping only your favorites or updating to a digital media library instead.
  • Eliminate furniture and home décor that is no longer being used, broken, or doesn’t fit your current style or needs.

#5 Create a family calendar. Another one of my tricks to save money organizing without breaking the bank is to create a family calendar.Organization inside your home begins with organization in your everyday life. This means you need to be on top of appointments, work projects, kids after school activities, programs, events, and even who is going to do the laundry.Want to organize your home without breaking the bank? Don't waste money buying new organizing gadgets. Check out these tricks to save money organizing your house using items you already laying around. #1 is so simple! Google Calendar is one of the best and easiest options since you can sync it on multiple devices and share with multiple people.You can easily use this to assign chores to your kids, yourself, and your spouse and send out basic reminders that will keep your daily life organized which then reflects inside your home. The Parents website also has handy tips for organizing your family calendar.When you are regularly tending to chores and things around the house, the clutter will be minimal and easier to manage.These tips for how to organize your house are perfect for staying in a limited budget while keeping things easily managed at home. You don’t have to invest in a professional organizer, or even fancy organizing systems to have a clutter free happy home. What tricks to save money on organizing can you share with me?Want to organize your home without breaking the bank? Don't waste money buying new organizing gadgets. Check out these tricks to save money organizing your house using items you already laying around. #1 is so simple!