Ways to Save Money on Halloween Decorations

Are you looking for ways to save money on Halloween this year? It can quickly become an expensive holiday if you do not plan ahead. Follow our tips below and start preparing now so you will be ready for Halloween!save money on halloween

How to Save Money on Halloween

Halloween is one of the most awaited holidays in a child’s life, as they get ready for the copious amount of candy that goes into their candy bags. The excitement starts to build at the beginning of October and kids quickly start to think of a costume they want to wear. At a single glance, Halloween may not seem like an expensive holiday, but you will quickly realize that the costs can pile up as the day draws near. Trying to save money on Halloween can be difficult if you wait until the last minute.There are many different aspects of Halloween that you need to prepare for ahead of time.. Some of them include the candy that you have to make available for the trick-or-treaters, the costumes for the kids, and the decorations for the house. If you are like most parents that you want your kids to enjoy the spooky decorations you use and end up spending a lot more money on decorations that you had planned on spending.While some of these expenses cannot be avoided, you can certainly reduce the amount spent.

Tips to Save Money on Halloween:

  • Shop for discounted candy or join with neighbours to buy in bulk. This will help you get great treats and a very reasonable price. Start using coupons ahead of time and purchasing the candy when it is on sale instead of waiting until Halloween is here. Most stores increase their candy prices because they know people will pay it.
  • If you can bake, try baking large batches of cookies or brownies and give them out along with a reduced amount of candy.
  • Get your creative side running by trying your hand at DIY decorations for your home.  You can make it a family event and get your children and hubby to help too. Simple household items can be used to decorate. You can go as crazy as you like and run wild with the toilet paper and glue! It’s a great opportunity to show your children the value of team work and also sneak in some family bonding time as well. Moreover, there is no way you can over decorate your house if you are going to do it to order.
  • Plan ahead and buy your decorations a year earlier, or buy for the next year. A large number of stores slash their prices after the holiday is over. You can get a chance to buy that great scary looking ghoul at literally half price! Of course you need to store away the decorations more securely and also make sure that electrical decorations are in working order a few days before you put them up. I love shopping the Halloween 75% off sales and then putting it away for the next year.
  •  Search for discounts before you step out for Halloween shopping. As one of the greatest holidays of the year, most stores offer discounts and coupons. Make sure you put them to great use. You will start to see costume coupons a month or two ahead of time.

Following these great tips, should help you get started to help save money on Halloween in no time. The greatest tip, as always, when it comes to saving money is to plan everything ahead! However, you should also keep in mind that Halloween is a holiday and that the main idea at the end of the day is to have fun!You can also check out our FREE Pumpkin Carving Templates and FREE Disney Pumpkin Carving Patterns!

What ways do you save money on Halloween, please share your methods or DIY decorations in the comments below!