Why & How To Collaborate With Other Bloggers

So you have started a blog, now what? How do you connect with other bloggers and make friends? In this post I am going to show you why and how to collaborate with other bloggers. One of the biggest mistakes a blogger can make is not building a blog tribe.  If you want to have a successful blog it is important to collaborate with other bloggers. Find out how out how you can connect with other bloggers and some of the benefits of having a tribe. Blogging can be lonely, so stop comparing and start befriending. One of the best things you can do is collaborate and work with your ‘competition.’ Many people view blogger’s within their niche as competition, but that is the wrong mentality to have.[bctt tweet="Blogging can be lonely, so stop comparing and start befriending #bloggingtips"]Bloggers with similar audiences are the people you want to work with. Not only can you promote one another but you can develop a friendship. You can showcase each other and create a real community with other bloggers.Having blog friends or creating a blog tribe can help you to grow your platform much faster than when you are promoting by yourself. But, keep in mind that it is a relationship. You need to help them just as much as they are going to help you.Over the years I have met some really great people through blogging. Some have reached out to me while others I met through collaborative projects or guest posting. It is nice to have a group of people who you can trust and turn to for advice and support.Once of the biggest advantages of getting to know bloggers within your niche is the educational aspect. Even if you are new to blogging you still have knowledge to offer. I love learning from my blogging friends and also sharing any new techniques or strategies that work well for me.If you are looking to develop blog friendships I recommend:1. InteractingTake the time to interact with other bloggers within your niche. This could be commenting on their blog, or even on their social media accounts. Think of a few bloggers that you would like to connect with, or the blogs that you enjoy reading everyday. Take an interest in what they write and leave meaningful comments.2. Create RelationshipsGet to know bloggers by actually reading what they publish. Create a relationship the same way you would outside of your blog. You want to be genuine and actually care about who they are, not what they can do for you. Take the time to get to know bloggers3. ShareStart to promote other blogs and share their content on your blog or social media accounts. You can link to their posts within your content or share their posts on social media.There are so many different ways that you can work with other bloggers to benefit both of you. I recently worked with some awesome bloggers on a collaborative eBook. It was a fun way to give our readers great content from a variety of bloggers. Plus, we all promoted it so it got much more exposure than if it was just being posted on my blog. Here are some ideas for collaboration that you can do:

  • Guest Posts
  • Interviews
  • Linking
  • Sponsored Events
  • Gift Guides
  • eBook
  • Teach Courses
  • Host Twitter Parties
  • Blog Series

There are a ton of different ways that you can connect with other bloggers. My biggest tip is to just be real. Be yourself and create relationships. One of the biggest mistakes a blogger can make is not building a blog tribe.  If you want to have a successful blog it is important to collaborate with other bloggers. Find out how out how you can connect with other bloggers and some of the benefits of having a tribe.