Work From Home Email Marketing

I am constantly searching for new ways to earn an income from home. During the process I have come across a lot of online scams, but I have also learned about some legit opportunities. A new one that I have come across recently is work from home email marketing. Most people are actively seeking for ways that they can not only earn extra money, but jobs that will allow them to do it from the comfort of their home. This is one of those job opportunities.Work from home email marketing is an option to try if you have the required experience and skills needed to complete the job. You will need to know the basic concepts of marketing and be able to write effective copy to help your client get their message across through email.Marketing tactics are constantly changing, especially when it comes to the online landscape. With ever changing social media and new target audiences you will need to have the skill set to needed if you want to work from home email marketing.Essentially, an email marketer is someone who runs email campaigns for a company. Having an email subscriber list is one of the most important assets to any business, so having a skilled email marketer is a top priority. Below you will find some of the necessary skills needed for the job along with tips on how you can be successful to earn an income from home as an email marketer.Are you looking for a work at home job? With the right skills and experience you can earn an income by work from home email marketing jobs. Take a look at how you can get a job and tips to get started.

Work From Home Email Marketing Skills

Understand Email AnalyticsLearning how to utilize email campaign data and interpreting to help serve your client is extremely beneficial. When you run an email campaign you are given a lot of data such as click through rate, people engaged, growth rate, etc. You will need to know which set of metrics is important and how you will use the data you collected to improve your next email campaign.Sales ExperienceEven if the company you work for does not directly sell a product, you are always selling something. Whether it is a service or you are creating a relationship with the customer you want to be able to know what their needs are so that you can create a message that will target them directly. Right now I do not sell a product to my reader’s, but when I am creating an email campaign I like to try to speak directly to my audience. One of the best ways to do this is by offering messages that I know they can connect with on a personal basis which means I need to answer questions or solve problems that is valuable to their everyday lives. This is right along the lines of being a salesman and knowing what the customer wants. You are selling your message to them.Understand Social MediaEmail marketing is not just a stand alone campaign. You need to consider other channels to help broadcast your message. This is where social media channels come into play. When you work from home email marketing you need to be able to to create a campaign that will work well and support all social media outlets. Consider the urgency of your message and how your customer will be opening it. Most people are mobile and will open the email from their phone or tablet.

Where to Find A Job: Work From Home Email Marketing

If you are not sure how to start working from home doing email marketing here a few places that you can start to search for a job. Think outside the box of the normal work at home email marketing jobs. All businesses need an email list and you can help them maximize their profits by properly using it.Online websites like Elance and Odesk have job openings with required skills and positions. Read through the job descriptions and see if you qualify.Check out some of your favorite blogs and see if they are hiring. Many bloggers need email marketers. Approach them and show how valuable you could be to their business.Local businesses. Find work in your area by searching local businesses and show them what you can do for their email subscribers. Many small businesses will not know the benefits of having an email marketer, but can benefit from running email campaigns that offer discounts or coupons.Check job boards like Monster to find a job.Are you looking for a work at home job? With the right skills and experience you can earn an income by work from home email marketing jobs. Take a look at how you can get a job and tips to get started.

Getting Started: Work From Home Email Marketing

Once you have gotten a job to work from email marketing here are a few tips to get you started to decide what types of email campaigns to create for your clients. They may give you specific instructions or allow you to do what is best around the content they provide.1. Figure out who the audience will be for different clients. If your client has a retail website your audience will be shoppers. If your client is an author, your audience will be readers. If your client is a blogger, your audience will depend on the niche of your client's blog; parenting, cooking, couponing, etc. You need to know who you are "talking" to in your emails before you even get started.2. What exactly do you want to say to your audience? Is your client running a sale or a giveaway this week? Did they add a really great post to their site that is share worthy? You can create a weekly or monthly newsletter for them, highlighting all the great things that are going on or coming up. Did they have a Facebook post that was liked and commented on hundreds of times? Share it in your newsletter. It's a way to engage with the contacts and even more interested in your client's business.3. Make them feel special. Offer exclusive invitations, freebies, discounts and giveaways to email contacts. Make sure to let them know in the email that the offer is not available to anyone, anywhere else. This helps to enforce the bond they have with your client because it's almost like a little, fun secret between them. For a client that's an e-book author, a great exclusive for email contacts is offering them a "sneak peek" download code before a new book is released. After all, who doesn't love getting surprise gifts?4. Nobody likes to be bombarded by junk emails, so don't overdo it. Also, be sure to keep your emails as precise and to the point as possible so you don't lose the reader's attention or spam their inbox.5. Make a calendar page for each of your clients. Use this calendar to plan the timing of your email campaigns and add notes or ideas that you want to remember. You can do this online or in a written organizer. I like to write everything down so I use a planner with lots of blank calendar pages. Be sure to figure out what worked well and what did not by spending time on the analytics.6. Last but not least, let your personality shine through your emails. Reading emails can become tedious and you want to send emails that don't bore the contact to death. Keep it professional but friendly and you will be just fine!Email marketing can be a vital part of a business. It's a way for the business to reach all of their contacts and prospects at once via email. This is the great advantage it has over social media marketing. Even in this day and age, not everyone uses social media and even if they do, there's no guarantee that they will see what you want them to see, when you want them to see it.Email marketing is also a more personal way for a business to reach their customer base, building loyalty and a closer relationship between the business and their contacts.Work from home email marketing is a great way to earn an income while helping your clients grow their businesses.Still looking for other ways to work from home? Check out my eBook Real Ways to Make Money from Home. This book goes into depth about 12 different ways that you can earn a full-time income from home without having to work 40 hours a week. Real Ways to Make Money From Home